
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Escape the Infinite Lobbies
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
This week, Alan, Aled, and Bailey try to solve Ben's puzzles in a never ending chain of lobbies! Well, it does end, that's how we've brought the episode to you!
Does Bailey work out how to pull a fisherman's finger?
Will Aled work out how to use the key?
And what will Alan's rummaging find?
Tune In and Find Out in this weeks episode of The Infinite Escape Room!
P.S. We're on Patreon! If you'd like to support us with a bit of money each month, we'd love to give you a little something too!
P.P.S. You might like to take a look at they key Aled and the gang puzzled over:

Sunday Apr 12, 2020
The Gavin Saga Finale - Like a Bun out of Hell
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Bam! It's the last episode of the Gavin Saga! And boy oh boy is it a cracker! It's also an accidental Easter - yippee!
Tune in to find out how the gang handles big organs, divine the future, and foil the machinations of Rabbit Satan!
It's also the end of our new format pilot! We've had a blast with it, so we'll be sticking with it for the forseeable! We'll do a little retrospective on it soon so stay tuned for that.Let us know what you've thought of the Gavin Saga, and our new format, on Facebook or Twitter (@TIER_podcast) :)
Also here's the picture we mention in the episode, it's really handy if you need to know the anatomy of a demonic bunny:

Sunday Mar 29, 2020
The Gavin Saga Episode 4 - The Trenches of WW1
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
This week Mike, Sam, and Ben are escaping Jon's puzzle based in the trenches of WW1 - don't worry, they're on the "good" side!
What becomes of their commanding officer?
How will they get their orders?
Who is Mustapha Kunt!?
To listen to our brave escapologists on their fourth instalment, Tune in to The Infinite Escape Room!
You'll be wanting this letter to help you follow along!

Sunday Mar 22, 2020
The Gavin Saga Episode 3 - Survival Town
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
This week Aled, Bailey, and Chris are escaping Ben's puzzle based in a house in Survival Town during the 1955 "Operation Teapot".
What crazy transition will be concocted from the last puzzle?
Will our intrepid escapees figure out where they are?
And Gavin!? What about Gavin!?
Tune In! Find Out!
Come interact with us on Facebook or Twitter (@TIER_podcast)! Or help out on the Wiki!

Friday Mar 06, 2020
The Gavin Saga Episode 1 - Thunderbirds are Go
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Shiggedy whatnow? We're trying out a crazy new format in a six part miniseries! For the next six episodes we'll be presenting a nifty all-in-one room, each of which will join to the next with freaky story stuff! Will it work? Lord knows 0_0
Join Mike, Ben, Jon and Aled as they start their finite adventure in the belly of Gerry Anderson's masterpiece - Thunderbird 2.
Will they knacker the second most useless thunderbird?
Will they forget how 3D space works?
Will anyone remember Fireball XL5?!
Engage your earholes, and find out!
Also let us know what you think of this experimental format via the twitters @TIER_Podcast.

Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Investigating the maintenance tunnels
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Oh sod, it looks like the Infinite Escape Room has gone and broken. Probably some sort of infinite GM resetting the wrong arduino, or some cack handed player breaking a lock.
Fortunately, Danny has a cheeky all in one escape experience for us, taking us through the incredibly meta tunnels of the Infinite Escape Room's maintenance ducts!
Will Mike marvel at the bum noise button?
Will Ben dispense train facts?
Will Katie's bottomless laugh find itself in peril?
Has Danny clearly listened to more past episodes than we expected?
Ha spoilers yes.

Sunday Feb 23, 2020
Escape the Newsagents
Sunday Feb 23, 2020
Sunday Feb 23, 2020
This week, Jon, Mike, and Ben find themselves in a classic British newsagents.
Will Ben find a use for that plunger?
Will Jon's extensive knowledge of smutty mags aid in their escape?
And does Mike win a dream holiday for seven to Bognor Regis on the scratch cards?
Tune your wirelessly connected podcasting machines in to find out!

Sunday Feb 09, 2020
Escape the Cinema
Sunday Feb 09, 2020
Sunday Feb 09, 2020
This week Katie, Mike, and Ben explore a quaint family run cinema only to find they are trapped inside!
Will Ben's knowledge of ice cream companies come to the rescue?
Will Katie be able to crank out some focus?
What will Mike find with a UV torch in the screening room?
Find out and learn much more in this weeks episode of The Infinite Escape Room!