
Sunday Aug 28, 2022
An unexpected drinking game, ostrich smuggling and sticky sleeves
Sunday Aug 28, 2022
Sunday Aug 28, 2022
aka Escape the TIER Backrooms
This week, Ben and Aled are guided by a rather sinister Clippy to get meta and reboot the universe.
MARVEL as Aled tries to destroy your livers with the Red Herring drinking game!
RECOIL as Ben extols the virtues of Ribena with milk!
SYMPATHISE with Jamie's withering patience as Aled tries to brute force a 5-letter word lock by naming every object he sees!
If you're keen to understand some of the in-jokes and want even more banter, consider joining our Patreon for full, unedited episodes, episode scripts and more!
And as always, please reach out to us on Facebook, Twitter and now on Discord (exclusive to our fabulous Patreons!)

Sunday Aug 07, 2022
Supermarket sweats and dinners for snakes
Sunday Aug 07, 2022
Sunday Aug 07, 2022
It's been really, really hot in the UK recently.
This episode happened. It's a good one.
Join the Ben and the Jamie.
They escape Mike's hot little location.
At one point a man sweats out his guts. Here's what it looks like:
Send 99p flakes.

Sunday Jul 03, 2022
All’s fair in love, war and tea
Sunday Jul 03, 2022
Sunday Jul 03, 2022
aka Escape the Boston Tea Party
This episode is brought to you by our wonderful Patreons Dave Shaw and Karen Cate. Thank you!
Much like Nicolas Cage, we're on a mission to uncover some forgotten American treasures. But unlike Nicolas Cage, we're doing it with a little more tact and a lot less insanity.
Join Mike, Laura and Ben as they infiltrate the Boston Tea Party Museum to find the last remaining tea chest from the Boston Tea Party.
Will Mike and Ben find a tri-corner hat that actually fits?
How does Ben unlock the podcast's secret God-Mode?
Is fruit tea really tea or just an infusion?
Find out now in this Independence Day special episode!
If you're playing along at home, you'll need this map of the islands around Boston harbour.
If you want to get a hold of these episodes before the general public and get extra Discord perks, consider supporting the podcast on Patreon. You can also whisper sweet nothings to us over on Facebook and Twitter.
And for those who celebrate it, have a most excellent Independence Day!

Sunday Jun 05, 2022
The Quest - Part 4: Cool halflings don’t look at explosions
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
It's the final part of our Quest special! If you haven't listened to the rest then hold your horses, nip back to part 1 and we'll see you in a while.
Join our roving band of breakfasting adventures as they find the final puzzle piece of Enaria's secrets, and offend a local religion with their dice rolls and use of magical incendiaries. If you'd like to solve the big puzzle along with us, then check out this map of the city. Alternatively, if your day to day life already involves too much brain churning thought then you can skip ahead to the solution.
Ben is Forquare Quendien - A halfling wizard, and mute war crime in a seven year old's dress-up robe.
Bailey is Bailinator Jones - A half orc fighter, roller of diabolical dice and yorping standup comedian.
Jamie plays Luck, Stuck and Bugger - A trio of goblin spies in a trenchcoat, and the bane of park caretakers everywhere.
Mike plays Clam Strumlington, an oversexed and underbrained shapeshifting bard. Has moved on from horny animals to ones with big trunks for sucking, and beaks for beaking.
And Tony is our guide, leading us through the adventure, and starving for a curry.
You can find out more about the gang via our character sheets, including blurbs, abilities and inventories.
If you like what we've been doing here then check our our Patreon, or hit us up on the Twitters or the Facebook. We hope you enjoyed the special - back to regular TIER stuff next week!

Sunday May 29, 2022
The Quest - Part 3: Don’t make me run, I’m full of chocolate
Sunday May 29, 2022
Sunday May 29, 2022
It's part 3 of our 4 part Quest special! Join our band of merry adventurers as they conduct a little light tomb desecration, Dieter invocation and snoozy brunching! If you haven't listened to part 1 and part 2 yet then quick, go back - give them a listen!
Ben is Forquare Quendien - A halfling wizard. He doesn't say much, which on reflection is an interesting choice of character trait for a podcast.
Bailey is Bailinator Jones - A half orc fighter. She's glam, she's disco, and she's itching to smack something with an axe. Standard Swansea night out.
Jamie plays Luck, Stuck and Bugger - A trio of goblin spies in a trenchcoat. We wish you could see the webcam pantomime we were witness to as Jamie mimed having three sets of stacked hands. It was poetry.
Mike plays Clam Strumlington, an oversexed and underbrained shapeshifting bard. He's got a list of horny animals he wants to transform in to, and a sound effects board.
And Tony is our guide, and does a smashing impression of a ten year old German exchange student.
If you're mega smart want to solve the puzzle before us, here's a cheeky map of the city of Enaria. You can also peruse our character sheets from the campaign, including blurbs, abilities and inventories.
And as ever, you can check our our Patreon, or hit us up on the Twitters or the Facebook.

Sunday May 22, 2022
The Quest - Part 2: Moose in a china shop
Sunday May 22, 2022
Sunday May 22, 2022
This is part 2 of our 4 part adventure, using the Quest RPG system, where the gang find themselves causing chaos in, and below a magical department store while searching for a mysterious token...
Ben is Forquare Quendien - A halfling wizard. Last time, he exploded a blob. He can use magic strike, kindle, blink and other abilities. he's armed with a staff, a dagger a longsword and a Fray Bentos tinned tent. He's doesn't say much, but his magical violence does the speaking for him.
Bailey is Bailinator Jones - A half orc fighter. Last time, she got blob on her axe and now it smells. She Can use counterattack, wild attack, provoke and other abilities. She's armed with a double-headed axe, a longsword, some Swansea knuckledusters, and some kiln gauze. Last year this orc saw the pork.
Jamie plays Luck, Stuck and Bugger - A trio of goblin spies in a trenchcoat. Last time, the wrestled with a multiple identity crisis. They can use sneak attack, poison, disguise and spyglasses, and are armed with a scimitar, a club, a dagger and some lockpicks. They have the look of someone underage trying to get in to the cinema.
Mike plays Clam Strumlington, an oversexed and underbrained shapeshifting bard. Last time, he turned in to a goat long enough to perch on a wall. Can use Shapeshift, Wild Aspect and Gills as well as other skills. Armed with a Rapier, a Battle Lute and a Dagger. Also have a magical flask of Brandy. Clam is the party's resident goon.
And Tony is our guide, leading us through the adventure, and painting the world around us with his colourful command of accents.
If you're frothing with immersedness and want to solve the puzzle before us, here's a cheeky map of the city of Enaria.
You can also peruse our character sheets from the campaign, including blurbs, abilities and inventories.
And as always, check our our Patreon, or hit us up on the Twitters or the Facebook. Love ya x

Saturday May 14, 2022
The Quest - Part 1: Crack it like a crème brulee
Saturday May 14, 2022
Saturday May 14, 2022
This is part 1 of a 4 part special! Oh boy oh boy oh boy - we have wanted to run another one of these ever since we did our first D&D miniseries. This time, we're using the Quest RPG system, and we've got to say we absolutely love it.
Tony guides Me, Ben, Bailey and Jamie through a fantastic adventure, filled with quirky powers, great puzzles, daft gadgets and dodgily accented characters.
We recorded this in one big 6 hour session - with Tony putting in some nice chapter points for us to break the episodes up. Should we have called it chapters rather than parts? Yes. Bugger. Oh well.
In part 1 we find ourselves transported once more to a magical world, and in to the bodies of our characters:
Ben is Forquare Quendien - A halfling wizard. He can use magic strike, kindle, blink and other abilities. he's armed with a staff, a dagger a longsword and a Fray Bentos tinned tent. He's doesn't say much, but his magical violence does the speaking for him.
Bailey is Bailinator Jones - A half orc fighter. She Can use counterattack, wild attack, provoke and other abilities. She's armed with a double-headed axe, a longsword, some Swansea knuckledusters, and some kiln gauze. Last year this orc saw the pork.
Jamie plays Luck, Stuck and Bugger - A trio of goblin spies in a trenchcoat. They can use sneak attack, poison, disguise and spyglasses, and are armed with a scimitar, a club, a dagger and some lockpicks. They have the look of someone underage trying to get in to the cinema.
Mike plays Clam Strumlington, an oversexed and underbrained shapeshifting bard. Can use Shapeshift, Wild Aspect and Gills as well as other skills. Armed with a Rapier, a Battle Lute and a Dagger. Also have a magical flask of Brandy. Clam is the party's resident goon.
You can also peruse our character sheets from the campaign, including blurbs, abilities and inventories.
The map maker we make mention of can be found here: . And here's the map itself:
And as ever, if you enjoy the episode, why not chuck us a quid via Patreon, or hit us up on the Twitters or the Facebook. You fab folk you.

Sunday Apr 24, 2022
Escape Being Boris’ Aide
Sunday Apr 24, 2022
Sunday Apr 24, 2022
Laura, Mike, and Aled reporting for duty! Join our crack team of political put-it-righters as they advise the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on how to best navigate his blunders. Email after email comes through to the team, will they be able to figure out how to log into the computer to read them
Does Mike spend all episode in the bat cave?
Will Aled ever make it out of the toilet?
Can Laura corral the other two into actually helping to solve the puzzle?
How close does Mike get to short-circuiting the puzzle?
For fun, fictional frolics, and some "mild ribbing" ->tune into this weeks episode!
Please note that while characters in this episode are real, many of the situations posed are works of fiction.