
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Escape the ultimate betrayal at Traitors Rest!
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
This week join Ben, Danny and Alan as they find themselves caught in Mike's Machiavellian scheme of treachery, betrayal, and some very unsubtle puzzles. Mike was revoltingly pleased with himself for this one.
Spoiler alert! If you want to be in on the joke from the beginning then read on...
This is the message Ben, Alan and Danny received before the recording:
Hope you don’t mind but I’ve got a cheeky request. For the recording tonight, you have a super secret mission. You are a saboteur, and it will be your role to stop the other two from escaping by solving the exit door puzzle. If the other two get you to admit to being a saboteur then the doll (which will make sense at the time) will get you, and you’ll be ejected from the recording and into the lobby until the others have escaped (or failed). To keep things fun, there will be one or two very subtle clues that something is afoot, but it’ll be up to the others to spot them.If you want to play along with the puzzles, here's the plaques:
Benedict arnoldO
Scar from the lion kingU
Jamie LannisterIE
Guy FawkesEAE
And the dreamcatcher beads:
1 D
2 NT
As always, if you enjoy the episode, why not chuck us a quid via Patreon, or hit us up on the Twitters or the Facebook.

Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Escape Longleat Safari!
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Don't let the title fool you. Jon does his best to be dark and creepy while the others consistently undermine him with gags about buttocks, scarecrows, and the many ways in which an abandoned car with a birds nest growing in it might no longer be road worthy. Oh and there's bodies. Lots of bodies.
This episode included a sound effect used under the Creative Commons License. The License can be found here. The sound effect can be found here. It was created by Aris621. Thanks Aris, it's a good 'un!

Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Escape the Hedge Maze
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Join forces with Aled, Laura, and Mike as they loop through a hedge maze.
Who will be the first to claim to be stupid?
How much time will be lost trudging around?
Why is the end at the beginning?
GASP A maze zing!
Listen, weep with joy, and spare a thought for the poor folk having to live through the puns. Tune in, find out, only on The Infinite Escape Room...

Sunday Oct 03, 2021
Escape the Board Game Cafe at the End of the World (Ft. The Average Gamers)
Sunday Oct 03, 2021
Sunday Oct 03, 2021
There's some dodgy capitalisation in that title...ho hum!
This week Ben is joined by special guests Lee and Adam from The Average Games podcast as Mike takes them through an apocalyptic board game cafe. Mysteries and Meeples abound as we journey within three of Mike's favorite games, and try to keep a step ahead of the Final Barista.
You can also hear these lovely chaps on some other podcasts. Go check them out at Wreckage RPG and Geeks Journal for dessert.
Finally, if you enjoy the episode, why not chuck us a quid via Patreon, or hit us up on the Twitters or the Facebook?

Sunday Sep 26, 2021
Escape the Herring Apocalypse
Sunday Sep 26, 2021
Sunday Sep 26, 2021
What do you call a gang of one? This week I call it Jamie! Join him on his adventure as he vanquishes a giant herring, encounters eider ducks and sausages, and eats croutons.
How can a salad be so useful and yet so overlooked?
Why did the potatoes not sound like a brass instrument?
What monster climbs a mountain of dogs?
Strap up, hold on, and tune in to find out!
PS - The scrambled text on the plaque reads:
Af uskw gx shgusdqhkw
Prmmifbp clo qeb bka lc qfjb
Geffekiw qeoi ibgippirx kyevhmerw

Sunday Aug 29, 2021
Escape the Giants Cupboard
Sunday Aug 29, 2021
Sunday Aug 29, 2021
Hullo! Ben's back after the TIER summer holiday and his head was a little empty of anything but puns...
Join Mike, Laura, and Jon as they navigate a weird environment in the dark...
Will Jon form a splinter group?
Does Mike harpoon himself?
Can Laura bring some much needed structure to the episode?
Tune in and find out!

Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Escaping The Puzzleverse Inc.’s ISS Crisis
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Hi folks, bit of a special one for you this week! We got contacted by the Puzzleverse Inc a few months back, wanting to know if we'd like to play and record one of their rooms. We said yes, and this was the result! We had an absolute blast, and our host Jayden was great.
So bit of a departure this week, as you join Mike, Ben, Bailey, Tony, Aled and Laura in solving a crisis on the International Space Station!
We've done our best to describe what we're seeing on the stream and screen as we go, but heck - if you're just missing big group escape rooms this might provide some lovely soothing ambient audio to take you right back to them.
We'd heartily encourage you to check them out if you fancy a fun group escape experience. You can check out their games at

Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Escape the Customs Office
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Welcome back from the TIERrifically good holiday!
This week join Anna, Chris, and Dom as they attempt to prove their innocence at the customs office!
What will Dom try to rub in his gums?
How does Chris forget his ability to get hot and sticky?
What does Anna have on her new t-shirt?
Some things you will never know! But for others you'll need to listen to this week's episode of The Infinite Escape Room!