
Sunday Oct 17, 2021
Escape the Oubliette!
Sunday Oct 17, 2021
Sunday Oct 17, 2021
In this Episode, Jamie takes Mike, Laura and Dom in to the Oubliette of a pop culture classic, where he confounds them with an infuriatingly well constructed puzzle.
Also, here's a few visual assets if you're following along at home. Ye gods how we wish we'd found them sooner!
And as ever, if you enjoy the episode, why not chuck us a quid via Patreon, or hit us up on the Twitters or the Facebook.

Saturday Sep 11, 2021
Escape The Post-it notes
Saturday Sep 11, 2021
Saturday Sep 11, 2021
Is this our shortest episode ever? It could well be - join Aled, Laura and Jamie as they storm through Dom's sneaky post-it production line puzzle.
Also Mike briefly shows up to say the hellos, and then pisses off downstairs for what he thought would be a lovely quiet beer.
And if you enjoy our nonsense, why not chuck us a quid via Patreon, or hit us up on the Twitters or the Facebook?

Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Escape the mysteriously hinged house
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Ever had that dream? You know, the one where a giant four year old decides to play dressup with you after setting an arbitrary thirty minute Escape Timer? Yeah, me too. And now, so have Dom, Mike and Aled.
Will Mike make a good Baby?
Will Dom ever sound happy on the inside?
Will Aled leave Mike hanging?
Tune in, find out!
Also if you're digging the show not sling us a quid via Patreon, or hit us up on the Twitters or the Facebook?

Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Escape the Customs Office
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Welcome back from the TIERrifically good holiday!
This week join Anna, Chris, and Dom as they attempt to prove their innocence at the customs office!
What will Dom try to rub in his gums?
How does Chris forget his ability to get hot and sticky?
What does Anna have on her new t-shirt?
Some things you will never know! But for others you'll need to listen to this week's episode of The Infinite Escape Room!

Sunday May 16, 2021
Escape The Bridge Over Troubled Water
Sunday May 16, 2021
Sunday May 16, 2021
Unusually starting this episode with a PSA. The subject matter of this room hinges on a suicide attempt which some listeners might, understandably, not want to make light of in any way. While I hope we handle it sensitively, it may not be for everyone.
Hopefully helpfully, if this troubles you in a serious way, you may want to talk to someone about it.
The Samaritans offer a listening service that can be reached on the following numbers:
UK: 116 123
U.S: (877) 870-4673 (HOPE)
This week the team find themselves locked in a self-driving Van with everything they posess and the ominous number 5.
Will Ben be able to pronounce his own name?
Will Anna murder another slug?
Will Jamie make it to his second Jab?
Would Dom make a good Poultergeist?
And finally, when Jon meets St Peter at the Pearly Gates, will he ever be forgiven for this...

Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Escape the Dog Hospital
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
It's not what you think. Also it's filled with utterly horrible puns.
If you cringed so hard your jaw inverted then why not join our Patreon, or hit us up on the Twitters or the Facebook? Nothing clears up skin conditions like a good cringe.

Sunday Mar 07, 2021
Escape the Pego Driving School
Sunday Mar 07, 2021
Sunday Mar 07, 2021
This week, the gang find themselves smaller and more plastic than normal, as they navigate a non intellectual property infringing Pego driving school.
Marvel as they struggle with basic driving manouvers!
Wonder as they keep forgetting there's a time limit!
Shiver as they uncover a new taxonomy of filth!
Also, the map!
If you enjoy the show and want to support it, why not join our Patreon, or hit us up on the Twitters or the Facebook? Gwaaaan.

Sunday Feb 14, 2021
Escape the post-covid-jab House Part 2
Sunday Feb 14, 2021
Sunday Feb 14, 2021
Continue listening to Alan, Aled, and Dom escape this mind boggling house!
Why on earth are there so many Scrabble tiles?
When is Uncle Bob's birthday?
Do any of the gang actually have an Uncle Bob?
And is that a return of the whimsical padlocks?
Part 2 of Escape The Post-Vaccination House awaits with answers, and more questions!