Sunday Nov 22, 2020
Dragons and Dungeons Special Part 3 - The Rat and the Pilchard
Sunday Nov 22, 2020
Sunday Nov 22, 2020
If you haven't listened to Parts 1&2 then slow down cowboy! Give them a listen first and this whole crazy kahoot will make sense.
Last time we found ourselves murdering the local wildlife in search of Pilchard Pete, with a tame goblin in tow. Rejoin us as we stand at the entrance to some sort of deliniated tomb, with:
Jamie - Our noble GM and goblin impersonator
Tony - Dwarf Rogue Caskell Marwen, cockney flower
(Emma) Bailey - Half Ork Barbarian Bailinator Jones, the boss of cross
Ben - Forquare Quendian, the Halfling Wizard, and vermin conjourer
Mike - Human Bard Clam Strumlington, the chocolate teapot of the party.
Why not cast your eyes over this mysterious puzzle component as well...
If you like the episode, and want us to do more weird and wonderful stuff like this, then why not let us know via the Twitters or the Facebook? Alternatively you might be too busy being the coolest person alive, in which case you should probably head straight across to our Patreon.
(By the way - we recorded this miniseries in two monster recording sessions. We've broken them in to smaller chunks to keep it all sensible and listenable. This is first part of the second recording, which clocked in at just shy of three and a half hours 0_0.)
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Dragons and Dungeons Special Part 2 - The Ork Meets The Pork
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Iiiit's Part 2 of our Dungeons and Dragons Special!
If you haven't listened to Part 1 then hold your horses! Everything will make a whole lot more sense if you give it a listen first :)
Last time we found ourselves dropped in to a fantasy world, slapped with new identities:
Jamie - Our noble GM and owner of a seductive barmaid impersonation
Tony - Dwarf Rogue Caskell Marwen, and stealthy watcher of old men
(Emma) Bailey - Half Ork Barbarian Bailinator Jones, and the bane of slow table service
Ben - Forquare Quendian, the Halfling Wizard, and seducer of grunting hand models
Mike - Human Bard Clam Strumlington, wants a shag or a sandwich and isn't fussy which.
...join us in part 2 as we escape the tavern, and throw our puzzle solving skills to the wind as we start putting the hurt on the local wildlife. Meat's back on the menu boys!
If you like the episode, and want us to do more weird and whacky stuff like this, then why not let us know via the Twitters or the Facebook? Alternatively you might be too busy being the coolest motherfucker alive, in which case you should probably head straight across to our Patreon.
(By the way - we recorded this miniseries in two monster recording sessions. We're going to break them in to smaller chunks for the episodes themselves to keep it all sensible and listenable. This is part 2 of the first recording. Due to the length of the recordings, we've not been able to give these quite as much attention to detail as we'd normally try to, so do please forgive us if you hear any unedited farts.)
Sunday Nov 15, 2020
Dragons and Dungeons Special Part 1 - A Criminal Intro
Sunday Nov 15, 2020
Sunday Nov 15, 2020
Iiiit's Part 1 of our Dungeons and Dragons Special!
We've been making escape rooms for over two years now, so we jumped at the opportunity when the lovely Jamie Gibbs from the Armchair Escapist offered to give us a fortnight off to play a short escaperoom adjacent D&D campaign, with puzzles, goblin abductions, and nice bread.
So join...
Jamie - Our noble GM and master of a thousand rustic voices
Tony - Experienced D&D player, consumer of birthday beer, and the Masonry obsessed Dwarf Rogue Caskell Marwen
(Emma) Bailey - D&D newbie, baker of banana bread, and the faces to the wall half ork Barbarian Bailinator Jones
Ben - D&D newbie, awful punsmith, and Forquare Quendian, the Halfling Wizard
Mike - D&D agnostic, hungover, and the dinner and dicking focused Bard, Clam Strumlington
...as we find ourselves trapped in this new world, slammed in to new personalities, and attempting to escape the crazy fantasy world. Oh yeah and don't worry - there's still a good old escape room puzzle in there you lucky folk.
Here's the resource you'll need by the way for the puzzle...
If you like the episode, and want us to do more weird and whacky stuff like this, then why not let us know via the Twitters or the Facebook? Alternatively you might be too busy being the coolest motherfucker alive, in which case you should probably head straight across to our Patreon.
(By the way - we recorded this miniseries in two monster recording sessions. We're going to break them in to smaller chunks for the episodes themselves to keep it all sensible and listenable. So Part 1 is the first half of the first recording, and Part 2 will be published a few days later. Due to the length of the recordings, we've not been able to give these quite as much attention to detail as we'd normally try to, so do please forgive us if you hear any unedited farts.)
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Escape the surprisingly reasonably priced Manhattan apartment
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
You know what's great? FRIENDS. The having of them, and the homages to. If either of those prospects tickle your biscuit then this tasty new episode from Tony is going to be right up your cul-de-sac. Why not join us as we:
Marvel as Jon missing the blindingly obvious references!
Wonder at Sam's sound and plumbing setup!
Nod knowingly at Bailey's James Earl Jones knowledge!
Giggle sympathetically at Tony's noble efforts to keep the recording on track!
And as always, if you want to make our day, why not head join our Patreon, or hit us up on the Twitters or the Facebook? You know you want to.
P.s. Mike edited this, and found the experience surreal but very pleasant, as it's the first time he's edited something he hasn't been in. He's really hoping he didn't chop anything important out.
Sunday Jul 05, 2020
Escape The Lizard in the Locker Room
Sunday Jul 05, 2020
Sunday Jul 05, 2020
It's a super special mega episode! Longest episode everish! Most solvers everish! Mike, Ben, Aled, Bailey, Alan and Laura are escaping from a guest room - kindly supplied by Walter Miska, from his fabulous book Escape Passages Volume 1!
Listen as we don our American Jock personas to retrieve our faithful mascot, Kong, from those horrid Hordenwood Hornets and their locker room of hormones and LIES!
This episode is genuinely a window in to what it's like to solve a real life escape room with us. It's our usual hit squad, and hoo boy do we have to stack up the brains before we can solve a puzzle.
Walter was kind enough to give his blessing for us to record us solving this first room. If you'd like to GM this room yourself, or any of the other two excellent scenario's he's put together, you can find his book here at: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Escape-Passages-Mr-Walter-Miska/dp/1087426871
As always, this isn't sponsored content - it's just one of those lovely weird things that happens if you're a member of the Escape Room community. If you've got your own special project you'd like to share, feel free to hit us up on the Twitters, or at Facebook.
Sunday May 31, 2020
Whoah escape the hippie van maaaan
Sunday May 31, 2020
Sunday May 31, 2020
Far out maaan, this week Mike, Alan and Bailey find themselves trapped in Dom's totally whacked out Hippie Van.
Will Alan forage some groovy threads?
Will Bailey get stumped by Dom's gnarly puzzule?
Will Mike run out of hippie related phrases to put in episode shownotes? And then spend a little while having fun making psychedelic soundscapes to accompany Dom's story bookends?
Tune in, and give those government agencies something really good to stick in their bong pipe things and smoke. Presumably.
Oh yeah, if you like the episode, we're now on Patreon! Why not check out our different TIER Tier rewards, and chuck us a squid if you like the podcast. You can also let us know what you think of the podcast, and where you'd like us to escape next via the Twitters, or at Facebook.
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Escape the Infinite Lobbies
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
This week, Alan, Aled, and Bailey try to solve Ben's puzzles in a never ending chain of lobbies! Well, it does end, that's how we've brought the episode to you!
Does Bailey work out how to pull a fisherman's finger?
Will Aled work out how to use the key?
And what will Alan's rummaging find?
Tune In and Find Out in this weeks episode of The Infinite Escape Room!
P.S. We're on Patreon! If you'd like to support us with a bit of money each month, we'd love to give you a little something too!
P.P.S. You might like to take a look at they key Aled and the gang puzzled over:
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
The Gavin Saga Episode 5 - The Wishing Well
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
This week Mike, Bailey, Alan find themselves stuck down Dom's broken wishing well!
Will Bailey solve a hard puzzle really quickly?
Will Mike then convince her she's wrong because of patriarchy?
Will Alan wish he'd got his wish in earlier?
Will everyone be shaking tiny bones out of their clothes for weeks?
Tune in! Find out! Also play along at home with this nifty mosaic: